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Who is yarden bibas?

Yarden Bibas is an Israeli citizen who was abducted by Hamas terrorists along with his wife Shiri and their two sons Ariel and Kfir on October 7, 2023. They were among the 200 hostages taken from Kibbutz Nir Oz in southern Israel, where Hamas carried out a brutal massacre¹. Yarden was seen in a video released by Hamas with a head injury, while Shiri was holding their two children in her arms². Hamas claimed that Shiri and the two boys were killed in an Israeli airstrike on November 29, 2023, but the IDF said that these testimonies were not verified³. The Bibas family is still missing and their fate is unknown. Their relatives are waiting anxiously for any news about them and hoping for their safe return.

(1) Hamas releases video of Bibas family after claiming IDF strike killed mom, 2 kids.
(2) Hamas says 10-month-old hostage Kfir Bibas was killed in Israeli bombing.
(3) IDF: Testimonies about the Bibas family are not verified.
(4) Taken captive: Yarden and Shiri Bibas, and their redheaded babies.
(5) Families of hostages in Gaza wait to see if relatives among those freed ….
(6) Sister of injured Israeli hostage pleads for medical access.

yarden bibas

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