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misgendering flight attendant (video)

misgendering flight attendant story

A Texas woman, Jenna Longoria, has alleged that she, her 16-month-old son, and her mother were barred from boarding a United Airlines flight after she accidentally misgendered a flight attendant. Longoria shared her account of the incident in a series of videos posted on Instagram and X (formerly Twitter).

According to Longoria, the incident occurred at the airport, where she was preparing to board a flight with her family. She claimed that she inadvertently referred to the flight attendant by the wrong pronouns, which led to a heated exchange. Longoria stated that the attendant berated her, saying, “You’re not allowed on this plane!”

Longoria’s videos show her visibly upset and arguing with airline staff, who informed her that she was not allowed to board the flight due to her behavior. The staff cited United Airlines’ policy on discrimination and harassment, which includes gender identity and expression.

Longoria has since received support from some social media users, who have criticized United Airlines for its handling of the situation. However, others have pointed out that misgendering someone can be hurtful and disrespectful, particularly for individuals who identify as transgender or non-binary.

misgendering flight attendant

The incident highlights the ongoing debate surrounding gender identity, pronouns, and inclusivity. United Airlines has yet to comment on the specific incident, but the airline has a stated commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.”

misgendering flight attendant

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