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Making $70,000 Per Year In Los Angeles As A Single Person? Government Considers You Low Income

If you’re a single person making $70,000 in Los Angeles, you are considered low income. If you make $80,000 in Orange County, you’re also in that category The California Department of Housing and Community Development released new income limits this month, and they increased in most counties. The limits are calculated annually based on federal guidelines and are used […]

​Breaking News, Controversial, L.A. Local, income levels, Los Angeles, orange county Deadline 

Read More If you’re a single person making $70,000 in Los Angeles, you are considered low income. If you make $80,000 in Orange County, you’re also in that category The California Department of Housing and Community Development released new income limits this month, and they increased in most counties. The limits are calculated annually based on federal guidelines and are used 

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